Monday, June 6, 2011

Jesus Storybook Bible

The Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones; Illustrated by Jago
We absolutely LOVE this big kid Bible. It's for ages 4-7 and tells the stories of the Bible as a storybook with many chapters, but only one story and ending. The stories are more than just stories, they have the facts, but there's more to the story than that.

For example; Ian got this for Christmas, so, of course, we read the Christmas Story. And this is what stood out to me: talking about the star over Bethlehem-"You see, God was like a new Daddy-he couldn't keep the good news to himself.  He'd been waiting all these long years for this moment, and now he wanted to tell everyone."  Wow! We have yet to read it all the way through as a chapter book.

At one of my MOPS meetings in the past, the speaker suggested that busy moms read a child's devotional for their own "quiet time". This is my pick! It's not quite a devotional, but if I read a story to the kids and then think on it the rest of the day, very little time is really taken out of my schedule. In other words, there are lessons and new things in this book for adults as well as children.

I'm not crazy about the illustrations, the people look a little like they were carved out of stone. But it's not bad.

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