Saturday, June 4, 2011


The idea of this blog is to write down my opinions in the form of reviews for children's books and games.  I got this idea from a friend and she graciously encouraged me to do it--so she could have someone recommend good books to her.

I will start with some noteworthy books from around my house because we currently don't have many library books checked out.(Mainly because we just took a HUGE pile back and I hadn't gotten new ones put on hold yet).

In the future, though, I hope to write on a good majority of the books we check out from the library.  I should tell you up front, 99% of the books from the library have been put on hold ahead of time.  Which means, they were picked out not by what was available, but by subject, author or book list.  This enables me to have a little more control on what comes in the house, though I still pre-read many of the books before Ian reads them with me.

So, here it goes......

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