Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Game: Zingo

 Zingo from Thinkfun
 This is my $2 garage sale find. For ages 4 and up is very accurate.  Ian just turned 4 and he loves this game.  Basically it's a twist on bingo. You move the thing (don't know what to call it) and it releases 2 tiles. The first person to grab the tile gets to use it on their board. The tile is listed with the picture and word so even non-readers can play. There are 2 sides to each card. The yellow side is easier-there are less pictures in common. There are more than one tile of each picture, some have 2, some 3. We started playing with 2 cards each, and I was amazed how after looking at both his cards for a minute, he was able to tell as soon as the tile was revealed whether or not he needed it. What's more, he then began helping me and telling me whether I needed either tile. 

This game improves memory and supposedly helps with word recognition, though I'm not sure how to tell that. Overall a great game-I would have payed full price ($20) for it in the future, but so glad I found it cheaper.

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