Friday, June 17, 2011

I Stink!

 I Stink! by Kate & Jim McMullan
Ian loves garbage trucks.  From the time he was little, we've stopped to watch the garbage trucks when we've been out, counted garbage trucks while driving around, watched the garbage trucks on garbage day here at home and he's also played garbage man quite often, too.

This is a good book-Ian likes it better than I do. Told from the garbage truck's point of view he's out at night collecting garbage.  I love the ABC part where he makes alphabet soup naming something for each letter from the garbage.  It's probably set in New York City as at the end, he puts his garbage block on a barge, and it's a little, um harsh, I guess in the language, but definately fit for a garbage truck.Things like Burp, Rev me to the Max, Mount Trash-o-rama, baby, nothing big, just terse.

Overall a good book, great for boys.

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